11-755 MLSP


Instructor: Bhiksha Raj

Students will be expected to work in teams of up to 4 members on course projects. Students are welcome to (and usually do) come up with their own projects; alternately they may also choose from a list of projects that are proposed by various collaborators. The list of proposed projects will be presented in the first week of September. We list some of these below. We expect at least some of these projects to lead to papers, or to contribute to other applications or projects.

We thank all the guest presenters. Students are heavily encouraged to select from their projects.

The project ideas slides are here:

The "main" slides also include details on Mario Berges' project idea on non-intrusive load monitoring, the NASA case studies, and Rita Singh's ideas on Doppler sensing and Seam Carving.

Additional slides may be put up here if more projects are proposed.